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Over 100 Years of Metal Casting Excellence

Your Source for High-Quality Metal Castings

When you need a reliable supplier for iron castings anywhere in the Eastern United States turn to the experienced professionals at Fairmount Foundry Inc., Rhode Island, and put our state-of-the-art foundry to work for you. We specialize in producing mechanically sound gray & ductile iron with certified composition for all commercial grade castings. We also produce several alloyed materials to meet the requirements for corrosion, wear, and heat-resisting applications. Our quality guarantee ensures that every casting complies with the standards defined in your purchase order. We can produce complex, highly cored castings ranging from 1-2000 lbs in quantities from a single unit to hundreds of pieces per order. We can also provide larger gray & ductile iron castings, steel castings and exotic alloy castings along with non-ferrous castings through our long-standing network of reliable casting suppliers.

Pride and Commitment Produce Results

For more than a century Fairmount Foundry Inc. has taken pride in providing outstanding customer service. We recognize that our success depends on your complete satisfaction and we continue to work every day to improve our performance. Our capital investments in automation and technology highlight our commitment to a business plan of continuous improvement. These efforts combined with an uncompromising dedication to certified product quality are intended to enhance your overall customer experience. The results are a valuable partnership with a reliable casting supplier for your companies future.

You Are Invited

Come for a Visit, You Will Like What You See

Websites provide valuable information, but a comprehensive plant tour can reveal the true character and capabilities of a foundry. We are a financially sound organization with world-class technology, state-of-the-art production machinery, and materials handling equipment all dedicated to increasing productivity. Our work is accomplished in an environment that is clean, well-organized, and intensely focused on industry safety and compliance standards. Our greatest commitment is to the absolute security of our employees and by extension their families. We invite you to visit our foundry and discover what a valuable resource we can be for your organization.

25 2nd Ave
Woonsocket, RI 02895


Hours of Operation
Monday to Friday: 6:30 AM – 3:00 PM

25 2nd Ave, Woonsocket, RI 02895, USA

Quality Metal Castings Made in Rhode Island