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A Century of Experience Learning Every Day

“The only constant in life is change,” and the same can be said for the foundry industry.

Fairmount Foundry has evolved from a common labor-intensive low technology iron shop to one of the most advanced and diversified metal casting facilities in the eastern United States. In 1948 there were 66 full time employees producing over 2000 tons of gray iron castings each year.

What We Offer

We offer most common grades of gray and ductile irons along with some specialty irons for corrosion, wear, and heat-resisting applications. We also produce unique “customer-specified” materials including nickel-based, molybdenum-based, and high silicon-based alloys. Every pound of metal we produce is analyzed on our spectrometer and checked for material hardness to certify compliance with applicable ASTM standards. The data from every heat is stored on a computer for complete material traceability. Photo micrographic analysis is performed on-site and available on request. Chemical and Physical properties are verified by an independent laboratory.

Quality Metal Castings Made in Rhode Island